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I was once a single mom raising two sons and working my way through college.  I worked as a secretary in local government and earned opportunities to take on more  responsible roles.  I earned a Masters Degree in Management, and was the city budget analyst  assigned to the $62 million dollar police department budget in New York. I know how to lead and work with people ... and how to get things done!  A vote for Carmen Salomé is a vote for fresh leadership and accountability who will improve transparency, communication and customer service in the Lee County Supervisor of Elections office.


  • Restore fiscal responsibility and accountability to the Supervisor of Elections office through effective management and transparency

  • Proactively manage the budget and maintain an open dialogue with the Lee County Commission on budgetary needs and projections

  • Open public website access to budget and contract documents

  • Meet regularly with the municipal clerks of the six cities of Lee County to proactively plan, execute and deliver well-run, professional elections 

  • Engage with voters regularly to solicit input and improve customer feedback and responsiveness through an interactive website, emails, and surveys, as well as by increasing our social media outreach

  • Maintain communication with the community through educational seminars and informative newsletters   

  • Work with the media to provide informative, public service announcements to keep voters advised on new voting legislation and other departmental updates




  • Deliver a higher level of customer service to the voters of Lee County with a more professional voting process that is convenient, efficient and effective

  • Develop a master plan to restore voter confidence through streamlining and perfecting operations  

  • Institute performance benchmarks and best practices that are used successfully elsewhere in the state

  • Develop checks and balances to proactively pinpoint and correct operations weaknesses to prevent costly and embarrassing future failures

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